Joko Widodo or Jokowi President met with Chairman of Gerindra Prabowo in Bogor, West Java. Addressing the meeting of the two leaders who had competed in the 2014 presidential election, elite party officials who are members of the Coalition Red and White (KMP) held a meeting this evening.
"Surely this is a regular meeting once a month relating to a meeting, the chairman, the secretary general to discuss the situation and programs that can contribute to help pemrintah how to help the government better," said Golkar Party politician Novanto at the Parliament Building, Senayan , Central Jakarta, Thursday (01/29/2015).
Re Prabowo meeting with President Jokowi, Speaker of the House is judging it a positive step. According to the second meeting of the nation's leaders will have a positive impact for the benefit of the nation.
"It's certainly this meeting provides a very strategic sense, this is a bright spot for the interests of the nation in the future, because I believe that that gives great significance to the nation especially Mr. Prabowo support Jokowi interest now," he said.
Setya said, in a meeting between the elite KMP will be also discussed what steps will be executed after the meeting with Jokowi Prabowo.
"It's certainly very encouraging at all, let alone today have a meeting with Mr. ARB to provide information about the meeting. Of course I'm sure there will be a huge contribution and also inputs the more distant future for the nation," said Novanto.
Based on the information received, the elite KMP will have a meeting at Bakrie Tower, Kuningan, South Jakarta.
Houses Chairman PDIP Megawati Sukarnoputri in Jalan Teuku Umar, No. 27 A, in Menteng, Central Jakarta began bustling with the presence of a number of figures.
After the members of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Meanwhile Kirana and Acting Secretary General PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto, Coordinating Minister FMD Puan Maharani, and Wasekjen PDIP Eriko Sotarduga also be in residence Megawati.
Monitoring, Thursday (29/01/2015), Puan seen using gray shirt holding red folder. Meanwhile Eriko Sotarduga seen wearing a blue shirt talking with Puan.
In the Mega house itself is not much visible activity, from the outside was visible beam projector light blue. However, it is unknown what the discussion in Megawati.
When confirmed, Wasekjen PDIP Ahmad Basarah the meeting did not discuss the fate of a single candidate for the Chief of Police Commissioner General Pol Budi Gunawan. "No nothing, normal," said Basarah when contacted.
When asked Puan Maharani presence there, Basarah also responded ordinary things. "Yes Ma'am Puan right home to her parents, it's okay then," he said.
This afternoon, President Jokowi receive Kompolnas arrival. Kompolnas states, yet give a new name to replace Komjen candidate for police chief Pol Budi Gunawan who tangled legal case in the Commission.
President Jokowi in Bogor Palace this afternoon said it had received input and recommendations from Wantimpres and Team 9.
Recommendations of Team 9 were asked President Jokowi not induct Budi Gunawan as Chief of Police in the central status of suspects at this time. And to reconsider the proposed new police chief candidates that police institution may soon have a definitive police chief. Whereas the input of Wantimpres not be known because they are confidential consideration.
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